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Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
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 Moscow St-Petersburg  
 Golden-Ring Kazan    
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Photos in the program description are taken from the Internet from open sources.
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Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920

"Ancient fortress on the Volga, 5 days"

Kazan, nicely located on the banks of the Volga, boasts amazing architecture, both amusing and harsh.
Price: $ 172
Feature tour:

1 Day

Arrival to Kazan. Meeting with a representative of the Leader Kazan tour operator at the airport.
Arrival to the hotel. Check-In (after 14:00). Leisure time.

2 Day

Coach hire and tour guide 6,5 hour
Ñ 07:00 Hotel breakfast.
10:00 Meeting with the tour guide at the hotel lobby. Departure for the sightseeing tour.
Bus and walking sightseeing "Legends and Mysteries of the Millennium-old Kazan” by bus. Enjoy the original beauty of Kazan, see the bright colors of its streets and squares with your own eyes, learn where teeming treasures of Khans of Kazan are kept and where water boiled in a cauldron with no fire by taking the sightseeing tour. The sites of the millennium-old city combine the culture of the West and traditions of the East: Old Tatar Settlement where Tatar residents lived from the 16th century, Textiles Settlement originating as a result of industrial reforms by Peter I, fountain squares, Kaban lake with its mysteries and legends, a simulated Tatar village Tugan Avylym (My Native Village), a new building of the Puppet Show, Kazan Federal University, Liberty Square as a cultural and administrative center of Kazan. During the sightseeing tour, you will see a variety of minarets and cupolas, crescents and crosses, which is a proof of a good neighborliness of the two native peoples – Tatars and Russians.
12:30 Time for prayer and rest in a mosque of the city.
13:00 Lunch in a restaurant (HALAL)
OPTION (EXTRA FEE) Folklore program «Yakyn Duslar» will immerse you in the world of the ancient culture of the Tatar people. Each people of the world is unique, and its soul, hidden in spiritual creativity — folklore, is unique. All tourists have the opportunity from the first minute of their stay in Kazan to touch the age-old culture of the Tatar people.
14:30 Museum of Islamic Culture. The exposition of the museum is devoted to the Islamic civilization, the peculiarities of its development in the Middle Volga region, reveals its place and role in the culture of the Tatar people. Here are presented the themes of the history of religion, prophets, primary sources and the foundations of Islam. The complex of objects for the prayer — a prayer mat, a compass for finding a direction to Mecca, a rosary, a mock-up of the Kaaba
15:30 A walking tour "White-stone Fortress”. The Kazan Kremlin is the main sight of the city; it is a UNESCO world heritage site. The Kremlin is an official residence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan and a state museum-preserve attended by thousands of tourists every year. The white-stone Kremlin is the heart of the ancient city that incorporates the culture of the East and West. Minarets of the main mosque of the city – Qul Sharif – shoot up into the sky, and cupolas of the Annunciation Cathedral, oldest one in Kazan, shine with gold. Inside the fortress, there is one of the symbols of Kazan – the famous "leaning” tower of Tsarina Suyumbike.
16:30 Check-in at a hotel. Leisure time.

Night city tour "The Lights of Kazan”

Do you know how streets of Kazan were lit before the electricity? You don’t? If you are still full of vigor after an extensive sightseeing program and want to see a different Kazan, to hear about a different Kazan, then you are invited to immerse yourselves into the fairy-tale-like image of the capital. Kazan will show itself to you quiet and peaceful, but still full of lights from back-lit historical and modern buildings. The tour will take place in the brightest sights of the night city.


Coach and guide for 10 hours
Ñ 07:00 Hotel breakfast.
09:00 Meeting with the tour guide at the hotel lobby. Departure for the sightseeing tour.
11:30 You can get acquainted with new sites in Bolgar. See one of the most significant structures added to the contemporary collections of the architectural heritage of Tatarstan – Ak Mechet (the White Mosque).
11:45 Leisure time for prayers and recreation in the city's Mosque.
12:00 Lunch in a city's restaurant according to national Halal standards.

A walking sightseeing tour "Mecca of the North” in the town of Bolgar. More than 700 years ago, in the place of the present-day town of Bolgar, there was an ancient city, the capital of Volga Bulgaria – an early-feudal state located in the interfluve of Volga and Kama rivers. The historical and archeological site of Bolgar was included in the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites. During the tour, one can walk along remains of white-stone walls of ancient buildings to imagine the life thriving there many centuries ago… See all the landmarks remaining in the territory of the ancient town site: Congregational Mosque, East and North Mausoleums, Khans’ Mausoleum, Minor Minaret, Black Chamber, White Chamber, Khans’ Bathing House, Khans’ Palace.

Visit the Literacy Museum at the embankment of Volga, the Memorial Sign built to commemorate the official adoption of Islam by the ancient Bolgars, where the world-biggest printed Quran is kept.

16:30 Departure to Kazan.
19:00 Arrival to the hotel. Leisure time.

4 Day

Coach hire and tour guide for 6,5 hour
Ñ 07:00 Breakfast at the hotel.
10:00 Meeting with the tour guide at the hotel lobby. Departure for the sightseeing tour.
10:30 Excursion «Islam, Muslims, mosques». The Old-Tatar Sloboda is the historical district of Kazan located on the right bank of the Lower Kaban Lake, where the loyal Kazanians were relocated in the 16th century after the conquest of the city by Ivan the Terrible. A tour of the Old-Tatar Sloboda is an opportunity to plunge into Kazan in the 18-19th centuries, where without exaggeration each house is associated with outstanding names for Tatar history and culture. In the 18th century, prominent figures of the Tatar people lived in Sloboda: the intelligentsia, the clergy, merchants and industrialists. You will know history of the origin of the Old-Tatar settlement and the overview show of the Blue Mosque (Fourth Sobornaya), the Burnaev Mosque (Third Cathedral). Visiting the most beautiful pre-revolutionary mosque of the city «Azimovskaya» and the First Cathedral Mosque «Al Mardjani».
12:30 Time for prayer and rest in a mosque of the city.
13:00 Lunch in a restaurant (HALAL)
14:15 Madrasah of Muhammadiyya. There was one of the most famous educational institutions among the Tatars of Russia at the end of the 19th century. The founder of which was a prominent enlightener, a connoisseur of religion, a reformer and philosopher Galimzhan Galeev Barudi. Madrasah «Muhammadiya» was known not only among the Tatars, but also among the Turkic peoples. For 36 years of its existence, madrasah has produced more than a thousand students and gave them primary, secondary and higher spiritual education. Since 1993 Madrasah «Muhammadiyya» has opened its doors again, where more than 1,000 students study today.
15:45 Visiting the shopping center «Vostochny» or the supermarket of home food «Bakhetle Halal».
16:30 Transfer to the hotel. Leisure time.


5 Day   

Coach hire and tour guide for 7,5 hour
Ñ 07:00 Hotel breakfast.
09:00 Meeting at the hotel lobby. Check-Out. Departure for the sightseeing program with the luggage.
09:30 Observation of the «Universal Temple» in the old Moscow Highway. In 1994, a construction of a by all means unusual architectural structure – the Universal Temple – began in Kazan. It is a unique building that combines features of Catholic, Orthodox, and Buddhist temples, a Mosque, and a Synagogue. The Temple was not designed by its creator Ildar Khanov as a religious center but as a site combining a museum, a concert hall and an exhibition gallery. The Universal Temple is an architectural symbolic symbiosis of religions, civilizations and cultures.
10:30 Visiting the «Museum of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan» in the national cultural center «Kazan». The museum exposition is connected with the city and its history, covering a huge period: from the first settlements in the territory of Kazan to the present day. Moving from the hall to the hall, you will make a historical excursion into the past and present of Kazan.
12:15 Time for prayer and rest in a mosque of the city.
12:45 Lunch in a restaurant (HALAL)

Master — class "Embroidering Tyubetei”

«Tyubetei» is an old Tatar national men’s hat. Reading the pattern with which the skullcap was embroidered, it was easy to determine what his owner was doing and where he came from. An experienced master will disclose the secrets of Tatar ornaments and help to make and decorate a Tatar hat — the «Tyubetei». In the master class you can make embroidery with your own hands. The finished product will remain with you as a souvenir and a memory of the beautiful city of Kazan.

16:00 Transfer to the airport. End of the tour.
 tour price per person in USD

Tour cost per person is

10+1 15+1 20+1 25+1 30+1 35+1 40+1
Aviator 2* 308 269 235 206 192 180


Ibis 3*

334 295 255





Suleiman Palace 4*



255 233 217 206


Luciano 5* 570 522 480 453 436 424


The price of the sightseeing tour includes:

— Accommodation in 4* hotels (DBL/TWIN)

— Tour guide services: English, Turkish, German, French, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Polish languages.

The tour price another language, please clarify additionally.

— Transportation services during the program. Tour operator provides 19-seat Mersedes Sprinter minibus for groups till 16 people. If you need large comfortable bus for 43-seat with a luggage compartment for goups till 16 people, please clarify price additionally. Tour operator provides large comfortable bus for 43 places with a luggage compartment for groups from 16 people by default.

— Meals (set menu) according to the tour

— Individual radio guides (earphones)

— Admission tickets to sites

— All the attended sites not marked as "OPTION (EXTRA FEE)” are included in the price of the tour.

*Prices are not valid

13.06 — 10.07.18, 29.10 — 06.11.18, 31.12.18-07.01.19

You can write your wishes.
Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920
Site:      E-mail:
Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
