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"Russia - The Seven Perls on Volga, 8 days"

Route: Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Cheboksary - Yoshkar - Ola - Kazan - Sviazhsk - Kazan - Bolgar - Samara - Moscow
Price: $ 1349
Feature tour:
DAY tour program 
1 Day  08-00
Arrival at the airport in Moscow

Transfer to the hotel and check-in (after 14.00) (Extra: Night city tour through Moscow)

2 Day
Breakfast at the hotel.

Breakfast at the hotel.


Meeting the guide at the hotel lobby. Transfer to Kursky railway station.

Departure from Moscow by Swift train

Moscow Nizhny Novgorod (~4 hours)

Arrival to the railway station in Nizhny Novgorod.

Meeting the guide.

Bus and walking sightseeing tour

Bus and walking sightseeing tour through Nizhny Novgorod including observation of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky. From the spit of Nizhny Novgorod, you can see the confluence of Oka and Volga rivers. See Chkalov stairs, the Square of People's Unity, Rozhdestvenskaya Street.

Lunch in a restaurant.

Lunch in a restaurant.

The Kremlin of Nizhny Novgorod (walking tour).

It is a mighty fortress, the heart of Nizhny Novgorod. Its strong walls protected locals from enemy raids. Inside the Kremlin, white-stone cathedrals towered, and its walls witnessed major heroes of the Russian history. The Kremlin hill commands a beautiful overview of the opposite side of Volga covered with woods. The incredible structures of the Kremlin sitting on asteep hillside is a masterpiece of an Italian architect Pietro Francesco. The Kremlin incorporated the best features of Russian and European fortresses of its time.

Rukavishnikov's Mansion Museum

A walking tour in Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street (Arbat of Nizhny Novgorod). Strolling Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street- who could deny themselves such a pleasure? The people of Nizhny Novgorod have come here for more than two hundred years strut their stuff and watch others do the same. You can make a wish at the bronze Merry Goat, to marvel at old buildings, and maybe buy some gifts for yourselves and for your close ones in a unique

Transfer to the hotel.

Check-in. Leisure time. Extra: A trip on Oka river.Extra: A trip on Oka river.

Breakfast at the hotel.

Breakfast at the hotel.


Meeting the guide at the hotel lobby. Departure for Nizhny Novgorod for the sightseeing program.

Nizhny Novgorod Cheboksary

(~3.5 hours + a recreation stop on the way for 20 minutes)

Lunch in a caf? in Cheboksary.

Lunch in a caf? in Cheboksary.

Bus and walking sightseeing tour the Capital of the Chuvash People

The city of Cheboksary, the capital of the Chuvash Republic, is located at the right bank of Volga river. A wooden log fortress was built on the shore of a Volga bay on the order of Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century. It got the name of Cheboksary. The tour through Cheboksary includes sightseeing in the old part of the city. Youwillseetheembankment, which is one of the most beautiful on Volga, the bay of Cheboksary, a gem of the city, a monument to love - Taganait, a monument to Vasily Chapayev, a sculpture of Mother the Patroness, an even a monument to Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov in Merchant Yefremov Boulevard. Participate in the program

Visit a signature store for confectionary and chocolate factory Akkond.

Visit a signature store for confectionary and chocolate factory Akkond.

Dinner in a restaurant.

Dinner in a restaurant.

Check-in at a hotel.

Leisure time.

 4 Day  08:00
Breakfast at the hotel.

Breakfast at the hotel.

Meeting the guide at the hotel lobby.

Departure for the sightseeing program.

Cheboksary Yoshkar-Ola (~1.5 hours)

Cheboksary Yoshkar-Ola (~1.5 hours)

Bus and walking sightseeing tour The Amazing Yoshkar-Ola.

Yoshkar-Ola is the capital of the Republic of Mari El. Yoshkar-Ola underwent a sea change during the last decade: the downtown was virtually rebuilt anew. So, we are not going to Mari El for history covered with dust of centuries, but to see the present-day life of the main city of this region of Russia. One of the main sights is the Square of Obolensky-Nogotkov. The reare several administrative buildings there, as well as the national fine arts gallery, where a replica of the Tsar Cannon is placed at the entrance, a monument to the founder of the city Prince Obolensky-Nogotkov, a monument to the Saint Martyr Leonid - Archbishop of Mari. Moreover, therearethe

Folklore program in the Mari El National Theater.

Folklore program in the Mari El National Theater.

Lunch in Yoshkar-Ola with meals of the national Mari cuisine.

Lunch in Yoshkar-Ola with meals of the national Mari cuisine.

Departure for Kazan.

Departure for Kazan.

Check-in at a hotel.

Leisure time. EXTRA National dinner with an interactive program Rich Landlord's House.

5 Day
Breakfast at the hotel.


Meeting at the hotel lobby.

Departure for the sightseeing program.

Bus and walking sightseeing Legends and Mysteries of the Millennium-old Kazan by

Enjoy the original beauty of Kazan, see the bright colors of its streets and squares with your own eyes, learn where teeming treasures of Khans of Kazan are kept and where water boiled in a cauldron with no fire by taking the sightseeing tour. The sites of the millennium-old city combine the culture of the West and traditions of the East: Old Tatar Settlement where Tatar residents lived from the 16th century, Textiles Settlement originating as a result of industrial reforms by Peter I, fountain squares, Kaban lake with its mysteries and legends, a simulated Tatar village TuganAvylym (My Native Village), a new building of the Puppet Show, Kazan Federal University, Liberty Square as a cultural and administrative center of Kazan. During the sightseeing tour, you will see a variety of minarets and cupolas, crescents and crosses, which is a proof of a good neighborliness of the two native peoples - Tatars and Russians.

Awalking tour White-stone Fortress.

The Kazan Kremlin is the main sight of the city; it is a UNESCO world heritage site. The Kremlin is an official residence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan and a state museum-preserve attended by thousands of tourists every year. Thewhite-stoneKremlinis the heart of the ancient city that incorporates the culture of the East and West. Minarets of the main mosque of the city - Qul Sharif - shoot up into the sky, and cupolas of the Annunciation Cathedral, oldest one in Kazan, shine with gold. Insidethefortress, there is one of the symbols of Kazan - the famous

Lunch in a restaurant.

Lunch in a restaurant.

Folklore program YakynDuslar

Folklore program YakynDuslar

A walk in a pedestrian Bauman Street -The Arbat of Kazan.

A walk in a pedestrian Bauman Street -The Arbat of Kazan.

Return to the hotel.

Leisure time. EXTRA Night city tour The Lights of Kazan
Do you know how streets of Kazan were lit before the electricity? You don't? If you are still full of vigor after an extensive sightseeing program and want to see a different Kazan, to hear about a different Kazan, then you are invited to immerse yourselves into the fairy-tale-like image of the capital. Kazan will show itself to you quiet and peaceful, but still full of lights from back-lit historical and modern buildings. The tour will take place in the brightest sights of the night city.

6 Day
Breakfast at the hotel.

Breakfast at the hotel.

Meeting at the hotel lobby.

Departure for the sightseeing program.

Kazan Sviyazhsk (~1.5 hour)

Kazan Sviyazhsk (~1.5 hour)

A walking tour The Island Town of Sviyazhsk.

Sviyazhsk is a historical and cultural gem of the Republic of Tatarstan. Atpresent, the place where an ancient fortress used to be is surrounded with waters of Volga river. Inthepast, thefortressserved as a military outpost in the Volga region and a place to prepare troops for an assault against an unassailable fortress of Kazan. In the course of time, as its value as a military facility diminished, Sviyazhsk became a spiritual center of the Middle Volga. The sightseeing tour in Sviyazhsk comprises unique monuments of history: the Cathedral of the Joy for All Who Grieve, one of the oldest wooden temples of Russia - the Holy Trinity Church, an operating Assumption Monastery featuring an architectural ensemble of the 16-17 centuries, Stable Yard, workshops.Attending the fine arts gallery where you will see panoramas of various period of the history of Sviyazhsk and Biblical scenes borrowed from churches of Sviyazhsk(entrance fee shall be paid on your own)or a free time.

Departure for Kazan.

Sviyazhsk Kazan(~1.5 hour)

Lunch in a restaurant.

Lunch in a restaurant.

Master class Secrets of the Tatar Cuisine.

Culinary traditions of the Tatar cuisine shaped up for several centuries. The cuisine features its specific traditions. The best cooks will share secrets of making such well-known Tatar meals as chak-chak, echpochmak, vakbelesh, gubadia with you. During the master class, anyone can feel oneself to be a remounted cook and participate in making national meals.

Return to the hotel.

Leisure time.


Tasting session in a signature shop of Arysh Maye. Each guest becomes a member of an exciting tour through the shop accompanied by a guide and tastes the signature alcoholic drinks. The gem of the collection by Tatspirtprom is Khanskaya vodka. The divined rink will give you the feeling of exaltation! A tasting session for four more drinks is arranged in a special tasting room. The guests are offered horse-meet sausage kyzylyk, crackers, olives, cheese, pickling cucumbers, lemon as refreshments.
After the tasting session, the tourists can buy exclusive products by the company: bitters, aperitifs, vermouths, cognacs and cognac-based drinks, whiskey, table wines, dessert wines, sparkling wines, and, of course, Khanskaya vodka, as well as famous balms Bugulma and Tatarstan.

7 Day
Breakfast at the hotel.

Breakfast at the hotel.


Meeting the guide at the hotel lobby. Departure for the sightseeing program to the town of Bolgar.

Kazan Bolgar (~3 hours)Kazan Bolgar (~3 hours)

Kazan Bolgar (~3 hours)Kazan Bolgar (~3 hours)

A walking sightseeing tour Mecca of the North in the town of Bolgar.

More than 700 years ago, in the place of the present-day town of Bolgar, there was an ancient city, the capital of Volga Bulgaria - an early-feudal state located in the interfluve of Volga and Kama rivers. The historical and archeological site of Bolgar was included in the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites. During the tour, one can walk along remains of white-stone walls of ancient buildings to imagine the life thriving there many centuries ago… See all the landmarks remaining in the territory of the ancient town site: Congregational Mosque, East and North Mausoleums, Khans' Mausoleum, Minor Minaret, Black Chamber, White Chamber, Khans' Bathing House, Khans' Palace.
Visit the Literacy Museum at the embankment of Volga,the Memorial Signbuilt to commemorate the official adoption of Islam by the ancient Bolgars, where the world-biggest printed Quran is kept.

Lunch in a restaurant in Bolgar.

Lunch in a restaurant in Bolgar.After the lunch, you can get acquainted with new sites in Bolgar. See one of the most significant structures added to the contemporary collections of the architectural heritage of Tatarstan- AkMechet(the White Mosque).

Departure from Bolgar to Samara.

Bolgar Samara (~4 hours)

Dinner at a restaurant in Samara.

Check-in. Leisure time.

Breakfast at the hotel.

Breakfast at the hotel.

Meeting the guide at the hotel lobby.

Departure for the sightseeing program.

Sightseeing bus and walking tour Meet Samara!.

You will see the historical center of Samara, the house of lady merchant Kurlina, a Lutheran Church of St. George, a Roman-Catholic Cathedral, Zhigulyovsky brewery, Iversky Nunnery, the contemporary Slavy Square, an authentic carrier rocket Soyuz, the Europe's biggest square - Kuybyshev Square.

Tasting of beer Discover Zhigulyovskoye

The true Zhigulyovskoye beer with its one and only taste and traditional brewing processes is produced by the only brewery in the world, that is, the Samara Brewery. You will learn the history of brewery from the time of long ago, the history of emergence of the most well-known brand of beer in Russia - Zhigulyovskoye, why it was Samara where a descended from a renowned family of Austrian brewers Alfred von Vacano created one of the largest breweries.

Lunch in a restaurant.

Lunch in a restaurant.

Transfer to the airport.

Samara Moscow (~2 hours)

Arrival to the airport of Moscow.

Transfer to the hotel. Leisure time.

Breakfast at the hotel.

Breakfast at the hotel.


Check-out.Transfer to the airport.
*This is an indicative program. The full tour program is issued upon arrival.

 Tour price
Accommodation option Price per 1 person Currency
½ DBL 1349 USD
 The final cost and dates of the tour you can check with the managers of ITS - Tour!
Hotel accomodation:
Moscow Hotel 4*
Nizhn Novgorod CourtyardMarriott 4*
Cheboksary Chuvashiya 4*
Kazan Relita 4*
Samara Renaissance 4*

Shuttle schedule airport - hotelfor 1st tour day

Moscow Airport SVO
Moscow Airport DME
Moscow Airport VKO

The price of the sightseeing tour includes:
- Meals at restaurants (breakfast, lunch, dinner) included in the program
- Entrance fee for museums or other sights included in the program
- Accommodation in 4* hotels
- Individual radio guides
- Tour leader's services
- Excursion and transportation services during the program
- Air and railway tickets within the sightseeing tou
You can write your wishes.
Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920
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Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
