Russian travel company

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Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
Russian site
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 Moscow St-Petersburg  
 Golden-Ring Kazan    
 Siberia Baikal    
 Sakhalin Kamchatka    
  Geography travel :





















Types of travel:
River cruise
Hotel reservation:

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Photos in the program description are taken from the Internet from open sources.
You can write your wishes.
Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920

"Kamchatka. Spring Mix, from April 25, 7 days."

Spring Mix tour allows you to see Kamchatka in one of the most amazig seasons when anyone can witness Winter turning into Summer. First green appears in field and forests while mountains ar still covered with snow.
Price: $ 1368
Feature tour:
1day Arrival in PKC. Meeting at the airport, transfer to a hotel in Paratunka or PKC. Accommodation. Free time. Rest and bathe in hot thermal water swimming pool (in case of the hotel in Paratunka).


Breakfast at hotel. Transfer by car to the sea port of PKC. A boat trip along the Avachinskaya bay to the Pacific Ocean and the Starichkov island. Lunch on board the vessel.

The Avachinskaya bay is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. Its twisting coastline is cut by numerous small bays. Two spawning rivers flow into the bay. 32 species of fish inhabit its waters. Practically all the year round we can find here several species of sole, greenling, bullhead and halibut. Sea birds are rather numerous in the area. One can see seals in the bays situated at the entrance to the Avachinskaya bay. The seals are not afraid of people and let them approach rather close. Among big mammals one can find killer-whales. The waters of the Avachinskaya bay are rich in natural gifts – sea urchins and crabs.

The Starichkov Island is situated about 10 km (5,5 miles) from the entrance to the Avachinskaya bay. It got its name after small sea birds - Murrelets that nest there (in Russian it sounds like "Starik”).  The Starichkov Island is a nature reserve on water which abounds in puffins, loons, cormorants and other waterfowl. Several nests of Steller’s Sea Eagle and a seal harem are situated on the island.

City sightseeing tour after the boat trip. Visit of the Kamchatka museum of local lore, the view point of PKC, the city centre, a gift shop, a market. Transfer to the hotel. Free time. Rest and bathe in hot thermal water swimming pool (in case of the hotel in Paratunka).


 Breakfast at hotel. Transfer to the foothill of the Avachinskiy volcano (about 2 hours). Arrival at the base camp, rest and safety instructions before trekking, lunch at the base camp.

The Avachinskiy volcano (2751 m) is one of the most active volcanoes in Kamchatka. It is often called "home volcano” among Kamchatka’s people. Its crater is filled with hardened lava above which you can see rising clouds of fumaroles.

The Camel mountain is situated between two volcanoes, Koryakskiy and Avachinskiy.The height is about 1200 meters. The trekking to the mountain takes about 3 hours and is not very difficult. From the top of the mountain you can see beautiful views of the Avachinskaya bay and the surroundings of Petropavlovsk and Elizovo, the Avachariver and Nalychevo valley.

At the beginning of summer there is still much snow at the volcano foothill but at the place where it melts the sand is quickly covered by first multi-coloured alpine flowers.

Transfer to the hotel after lunch. Rest and bathe in hot thermal water swimming pool (in case of the hotel in Paratunka).


Breakfast at hotel. Ethnic excursion.

A village in an ethnic style introduces you to the culture of the native Kamchatka people (Koryaks, Itelmens and others). It is situated in an open area with a picturesque view of the volcanoes. Here you will have an excursion around the dog kennel and learn the history of the dog sledding sport in Kamchatka, listen to the stories about Kamchatka natives, watch traditional dances and learn some of the dancing moves. You can also take pictures in traditional costumes, learn about the Kamchatka natives’ lifestyle, taste hot fish soup (oukha or shurpa) in the open air.

Transfer to the ethnic village. Excursion at the centre (meeting the Kamchatka natives, dance concert, lunch).

Then we’ll take you to "Ozerki” hot springs to have a bath in hot thermal water swimming-pool. Transfer back to hotel.


Breakfast at hotel. Transfer to the Vilyuchinskiy waterfall foothill (about 1,5 hours), safety instructions before the trekking.

The Vilyuchinskiy waterfall situated at the Vilyuchinskiy volcano slope is a beautiful cascade of falling water formed by melting snow. One of the volcano icecaps gives a start to a small river which in summer time turns into 40 meters waterfall.

Verkhneparatunskiye thermal springs are mineral hot springs situated at the north-eastern slope of the Goryachaya hill (Hot hill), not far from the Vilyuchinskiy volcano. The springs include about twenty outcomings with the temperature up to 70°Ñ and have healing properties.

Trekking to the waterfall, lunch (picnic), bathe in hot springs, return to the hotel. Free time.



Breakfast at hotel. Free time or optional tours.

 7day  Breakfast at hotel. Transfer to the airport. Departure.
 Tour price per 1 pax 
 Hotel  1/2 TWIN  SNGL
  Gelios Hotel 2** (Paratunka)  1368  1698
  Antarius 3** (Paratunka)  1536  2070
 Avacha Hotel 3** (PKC)  1500  1794


  • hotel accommodation
  • meals according to the programme
  • transfers according to the programme
  • English-speaking guide
  • excursions according to the programme
  • in case of Paratunka hotels - taking spa in thermal water pool 

Extra pay:

  • dinners at the hotel
  • insurance
  • personal expences
  • optional tours on Day 6
  • other services not mentioned in the programme
 List of necessary things:
  • a small backpack for trekking (for personal things)
  • strong boots and special trekking shoes (not trainers)
  • a waterproof jacket with a hood
  • sports trousers
  • a cap and a warm hat
  • mittens or gloves for trekking
  • sun glasses
  • sun cream with UV protection
  • chap stick
  • bathing suit
  • photo and video cameras
  • other things – at your discretion
You can write your wishes.
Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920
Site:      E-mail:
Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
