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"Murmansk: towards Northern Aurora, from March 7, 4 days"

Tour itinerary: Murmansk - the hunt for the northern lights - Sá mi village - Kirovsk - Snow village - Lapland reserve. This is a unique region of Russia, where you can reach the nature of the Arctic tundra, while being close to civilization. In this tour you will discover the beautiful world of the Far North of Russia!
Price: $ 390
Feature tour:


tour program 

1 Day

Departure from St. Petersburg

6.03 at 9:50 train №016А "Arctic" from Ladoga station, arrival in Murmansk 7.03 at 11:44

Departure from Moscow

6.03 at 00:41 train №016А "Arctic" from the Leningrad station, arrival in Murmansk 7.03 at 11:44

Arrival at the railway station of Murmansk. Meeting with the guide (guide with a sign waiting at the main entrance to the railway station from the apron side).

Great tour of Murmansk and Kohl.

The monument to Alesha is located on the Kola Bay.

It is dedicated to all the defenders of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. The size of the monument is inferior only to the memorial "Motherland Mother" in Volgograd. The memorial complex is undoubtedly impressive and touches the deepest strings in the soul of every Russian person.

Excursion on the atomic icebreaker "Lenin"

On board the icebreaker is a historical museum. The vessel has retained its original appearance. You can look at the city through the eyes of the captain from the personal cabin, inspect the cabins, galley, engine room, see the nuclear reactor.

Lighthouse Memorial and Church of the Savior-on-Waters.

The memorial is dedicated to all sailors who died in peace and war. A stone staircase leads to the Church of the Savior on Waters, and on one of the staircase platforms there is a seventeen meter lighthouse. On the walls of the lighthouse carved the names of sailors who have not returned from navigation. At the lighthouse there is a sea water capsule and a ship's anchor. Eight years ago, the memorial was supplemented by cabin cutting from the submarine Kursk.

Square "Five Corners"

The central square in Murmansk was originally called Red. It is the main square of the city where the main administrative buildings are located.

Lunch at the cafe *.

Continuation of the sightseeing tour of Murmansk.

Accommodation in a hotel overlooking the city and the mountains "Ogni Murmansk"

The hotel Ogni Murmansk for guests free of charge: one-time visit to the Tropical Bath (1.5 hours); breakfast - buffet.

Free time.

You will have the opportunity to continue your acquaintance with the city or relax in the hotel room.

2 Day


Moving to Sami Syt.

We are waiting for the traditional Sami village. Sami, or Lopari - is the indigenous people of the Murmansk region, as well as northern Norway, Sweden and Finland. In our country, the only place where you can get acquainted with the culture and way of life of the Sami is the Kola Peninsula. On the way, we learn about the economy, life, traditional Sami crafts, their experience of survival in the Arctic climate, holidays, rites, symbols, myths, tales of the Sami people, the sacred places of the Kola Peninsula, ancient rock art and writing, as well as modern Saami life.

Excursion around the village of Sam Siyt.

Sam Syit is the Saami capital of Russia. We are waiting for the traditional meeting of guests, which is held in the Sami language, a walk through the village and acquaintance with the Sami life, traditional dwellings - plagues and kuvax, traditional utensils. We will visit the alley of the plotted idols, we will meet with the fauna of the village: deer, husky, foxes, Arctic foxes and rabbits.

Authentic lunch in the Saami village.

Moving to Kirovsk.

Accommodation at the hotel on the slopes of the Khibiny Mountains.



Visit to the museum and exhibition center of Appatit JSC.

The museum and exhibition center is located in the center of Kirovsk, in a building decorated with a clock tower. Here is the largest collection of rocks and minerals of the Khibiny massif. Academician Fersman described this museum in such a way: "The museum is as beautiful as the Khibinsky nature itself, as diverse and rich as the Khibiny bowels, and as vivacious as the Khibinsky air”.

Tour of the Snow Village

At the foot of the mountain Vudyavrchorr located Snow Village. This is a complex, cut out of ice and snow. Every year, as soon as the snow falls, the complex is built by hand, turning into a palace with a suite of rooms, sculptures and snow bas-reliefs. The theme of the village changes every year, delighting guests and permanent residents with new ideas.


Walk on the slopes of the Khibiny Mountains. Hunting for the northern lights.

Northern lights - a completely elusive phenomenon. Here it appeared - and after a moment it had already disappeared .. But nevertheless, the greatest chance of seeing the northern lights is possible away from direct sources of light, city lights. We go on a real hunt for the northern lights, and we believe that luck will smile on us!

Return to the hotel

 4 Day


Visit the Botanical Garden.

The Polar Botanical Garden is a unique, northernmost botanical garden, located in the Arctic. You visit a greenhouse with tropical and subtropical plants, magically move from the northern winter to the southern summer.

Moving through the Lapland Reserve in the heart of the Kola Peninsula.

The Lapland Nature Reserve is the largest and most northern nature reserve in Europe. Located in the mountains. Through the reserve passes the watershed of the Barents and the White seas. Half of the whole territory of the reserve is occupied by old-growth forests, the age of individual arrays is from three to ten thousand years. Conifers: pine and spruce grow here.

Walk along the ecological path of the reserve,

familiarity with the fauna of the region

Visiting the Museum of the Museum G.M. Kreps and O.I. Museum Semenov-Tyan-Shansky.

GM Museum Krepsa - the first home of the reserve, was built in 1930 on the banks of the Chunozero, where the founder of the reserve, G.M. Kreps lived and worked. Thanks to the founder of the reserve, wild reindeer were counted and their further protection, preservation of mountain tundra and northern taiga. The house is converted into a memorial museum, it contains documents on the history of the reserve, photographs, old plans, paintings devoted to the reserve, and household items.

Museum O.I.Semenova-Tian-Shansky.

In 1930, the first employees were taken to the reserve; among them was Oleg Izmailovich Semenov-Tian-Shansky. Russian naturalist, expert in the field of ecology of birds and mammals. He spent most of his life studying the Kola Peninsula. He is credited with the organization of research work in the Lapland reserve, as well as in the preservation of the first polar reserve on the Kola land.

Tea in the tea house of the reserve.

A short break, during which we will warm ourselves with hot tea and sweets *.

* Tea party is organized by travel agency.

Departure to Murmansk.

Lunch at the cafe *

Free time to train. (Tourists get to the airport on their own).

Departure by train №015А "Arctic" 10.03 at 19:13, arrival in St. Petersburg 11.03 at 22:16

Departure by train №015А "Arctic" 10.03 at 19:13, arrival in Moscow 12.03 at 6:50


The cost of the tour for 1 person in dollars:

1/2 DBL  SGL  Currency
Accommodation program 390  475  $
 Included in cost:
Transportation service;
Accommodation in hotels;
Guide services;
Excursion accompaniment;
Entry tickets;
Interactive program in the village of Sam Siyt;
Lunch in the village of Sam Siyt;
It is in addition paid (the prices approximate):
Medical insurance
* Meals package (3 lunches) - 1500 rubles
train or airline tickets to Murmansk and back
Features of this tour:
The tour takes place in the winter season, so we recommend that you take a few sets of warm and comfortable clothing, wind-resistant outerwear, warm, waterproof shoes.
In the hotel Ogni Murmansk for guests free of charge: one-time visit to the Tropical Bath (1.5 hours), boat or catamaran (1 hour); breakfast buffet

You can write your wishes.
Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920
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Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
