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Travel to Russia - it's better than you think!
Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
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Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920

"Snow crack , the journey on the sleigh, 7 days"

Discover the beauty of the winter nature of the southern Urals! Exotic horse sleigh tour takes place on the snow - covered spurs of the ridge of the Kraka - Tau, in the floodplain of the rivers Kaga and Agidel. Lovers of active recreation in the winter is impressive swift running horses. Storms of snow, sparkling rainbow sprinkle travellers with fine dust; the rapid change of the environment creates an amazing perception of the world.
Price: $ 630
Feature tour:
 We will visit a unique monument of nature and ancient culture, cave Shulgan-Tash (Kapova cave); to teach riding skills and riding on a sled, horses care, partakers of rustic life and get an unforgettable experience of Cycling from the mountains to snowtubing.


Horse-sledge tour "Snow crack" was developed for fans of winter recreation.  The route is open to children from 10 years accompanied by parents.

*Persons who need treatment and constant medical supervision, travel on tourist routes is not recommended.

The length of the horse-sled journeys on route: 70 km

The length of bus rides on the route:800 km

1 day

10.00 - Meeting in the lobby of the hotel "Bashkortostan"*.  Design documentation and organizational issues.

Bus tour of the city of Ufa (3 hours).  The main objects: a Square.  Salavat Yulaev, the Friendship Monument, Garden.  Salavat Yulaev, Theatre square, Seating yard, garden.  S. T Aksakov, the First mosque, ski centers, the Hippodrome "Akbuzat", the Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary). During a tour provided tasting Bashkir honey in a honey shop, where various types of honey and products of beekeeping.  Bashkirian honey has topped the list ranking the most delicious honey in Russia.

Lunch with the elements of the Bashkir cuisine.

A visit to the exhibition "Jasper room" at the National Museum of Bashkortostan Republic, which presents the works in the technique of Florentine mosaic.  This is a rare art form that currently only a few artists in Russia.  "Eternal" pattern and caskets are created out of several thousand treated stone elements, mainly from the Ural Jasper.

The end of excursion program of the day by 15:30.  Optionally, you can stay to visit the main halls of the National Museum, which is one of the oldest museums of Russia – it is more than 150 years (the ticket price: from 150 rbl.).

Independent dinner.

Master-class on making Souvenirs from felt (from 500 RUB./pers.).

Day 2

Breakfast at the hotel.

9.45 Meeting in the lobby of the hotel, departure for excursion.

Ufa is the most green city—millionaire Russia per capita has 202 m2 of green space.  On the territory of Ufa is located the Botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Limonar (oasis tropical).  We invite you to tour, with the possibility of shooting in the greenhouses of the lemon house, filled with beautiful colors and delicious flavors.  (Possible replacement for the Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences).

The mosque La-La Tulip - a unique cult construction has no analogues in the world.  Within the walls of this mosque, an Islamic cultural and educational centre.  Visit of the Oil Museum***(on request).  But not only honey and South Ural mountain ranges, glorious Bashkiria.  Bashkiria is still oil, and gasoline, and petrochemical products, and regular soda, which is in every home!  Learn about two centuries of history of the Bashkir oil, hear its smell, try a suit oilman, listen to the singing neftevyshku.

Visit the gift shops and the Ufa market, which is full of generous gifts of nature.  Here You can buy Souvenirs, honey, milk, Apple cider and Mead, horse sausage, and more guests to pamper their loved ones.  Recommended traditional Souvenirs from Bashkiria and the southern Urals: feather and fur products, felt products (Bashkir tyubeteyka), jewelry with stones of the Urals, cosmetic sets products from beekeeping, musical instruments (kubyz).  Food: honey, horse sausage (kazylyk), Mare, Ural berries (Kalina, stone bramble, blueberry, strawberry, strawberry), herbal balms, herbal formulas, fir oil, bear or badger fat.

Transfer to the hotel "Bashkortostan".  The end of excursion program of the day by 15:00.

Independent dinner.

It is possible to add the program: visit a water Park, Ferris wheel, planetarium, a multimedia exhibition in gallery "Cloud", the Museum "Russia – my story"; photo shoot "Bashkir national costume" (from 5000 RUB/group); interactive program "Bashkir soldier": an exhibition, a story about the costumes and outfits of the Bashkir people (from 5000 RUB/group); country tour and tasting Mare's milk and mineral water "Resorts of the southern Urals: Yumatovo" (4 hours, from 4 people).

Day 3

Breakfast at the hotel.  Eviction of the rooms.

Group transfer to Kaga settlement (300 km).

Accommodation on tourist base.


Familiarity with the history of area and visit of the monument of architecture of the 19th century St. Nicholas Church.

Excursion "the History of Kaga settlement and iron works of the Ural factories".

Introduction to the harness.  Training of control horses.  A study of the radial horse-sleigh away in the vicinity of the village with its General and specific points.  Possible extra charge on horseback.

Dinner.  "A Cup of tea..." - tea ceremony (herbal tea) and Bashkiria honey.

Village Bath "in white."

Avtoproezd per day is 300 km.

Day 4


Journey on sleigh transition along the border of the Bashkir state nature reserve (20 km).  Observations in nature: a review of the ridges of the middle and southern Krak with pine, pine-birch and larch forests.

Lunch in a thermos.  Return to the camp.

Stay on the base.  It is possible to diversify your vacation with a stroll in horse-drawn sled, skis or even snowmobiles (surcharge).


Avtoproezd the day - 0 km

Day 5

Breakfast at the hostel.

Excursion to the stable yard of the "Rural problem."  Horse-sledge ride.


Master-class "Modeling of dumplings": the preparation of dumplings from quality country products.

Dinner.  Bath.

Avtoproezd the day - 0 km

Day 6

Breakfast.  Avtoproezd to the Bashkir state nature reserve– the first reserve formed in the southern Urals.  Survey of reserve (visit the observation tower).

Transfer to the reserve "Shulgan-Tash".

Lunch.  Familiarity with objects of natural and cultural heritage, included in the tentative list of world heritage of UNESCO: the integrated area of the biosphere reserve "Bashkir

Ural", which includes a unique monument of Paleolithic era cave "Shulgan-Tash" (Kapova cave).

Mysterious darkness Kapova cave, its damp coolness and mysterious drawings on the walls leave the impression of touching eternity.  Regardless of the time of year in the cave is a constant temperature of +7 Celsius.  Therefore, it is necessary to have warm clothes.  Tourists will visit the Museum and the demonstration center of the Reserve "Shulgan-Tash".  The basis for the creation of this reserve was the dwelling in the core region of full-blooded aboriginal population of honeybee — burzyansky wild-hive bee ("bursaki") in terms of bortnichestvo - Bashkir folk craft.  This reserve was the first area in the world, protecting the native wild bees.  The tourists will have the opportunity to taste wild honey (surcharge).

Return to the camp.  Dinner.

Avtoproezd per day - 200 km

Day 7


Отдых на базе. Возможно разнообразить свой отдых прогулкой в конных санях, на лыжах или снегоходах (за дополнительную плату)

Интерактивная экскурсия «Обед из печи» в музее «Домъ заводского крестьянина 19 века». Погружение в быт горнозаводских крестьян, секреты приготовления хлеба в русской печи, обед «из русской печи», а так же памятные фото в народных костюмах.

Отъезд в г. Уфа: в день отъезда организован групповой трансфер. Место прибытия: Проспект Октября, 31, Универмаг Уфа.

Estimated arrival to 21.00.

Avtoproezd per day - 300 km

The cost of the tour per person, in $ USA


1/2 DBL

check-in 01.01 - 07.01.2019, 03.01-09.01.2020


check-in  30.12.2019 - 05.01.2020, 670$
check-in 29.02 - 06.03.2020 620$
  • Transport services on the route (vehicles depending on group size),
  • accommodation at the camp (2-3 bed room),
  • nutrition (program),
  • the job of the escort (coordinator),
  • excursion program (program: guiding or guides, entrance fees), permits motor vehicle in recreation area,
  • eco-fees,
  • the accident insurance in the amount of 50,000 rubles..
Not included in the price
  • Tickets from/to Ufa,
  • private transfers,
  • self powered,
  • additional services in hotels
  • alcoholic beverages,
  • Luggage,
  • optional tours (including activity, bath), Souvenirs.
  • Services of a guide - translator

  • personal expenses

  • visa to Russia


You can write your wishes.
Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920
Site:      E-mail:
Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
