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Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
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Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920

"Wine tour: amber vine"

Amber Vine is an author' s wine tour to the mysterious world of winemaking. The program is suitable for gourmets, connoisseurs of beauty, curious tourists and fans of photography. On this tour, you will not only learn to understand the varieties of domestic and imported wines, but also enjoy the unique taste of a noble drink from the best producers of the Kuban.
Price: $ 630
Feature tour:
 Tour program:

Day 1

Check-in at the hotel in the city of Gelendzhik. To begin with, we will go on a sightseeing tour of the city with a visit to the Gelendzhik winery - one of the oldest wineries in the Krasnodar Territory. Its history begins in 1869, behind the scenes, the estate of Lyubov Yuryevna Firsova was a supplier of dry wines to the imperial table. We will get acquainted with the history of the enterprise and taste the best varieties of the plant's products.

Day 2

Moving to the village of Kabardinka. A small photo session in the "Old Park".

The old park is a unique architectural ensemble in the south of Russia, in a private collection on a small area are collected in miniature monuments of architecture, religion and philosophy of different eras. Here you can see the Egyptian pyramid and the medieval castle, and the Orthodox church, and the ancient Greek theater.

We will visit the famous cellars of Abrau-Durso with a ghost winemaker. You will walk through the famous cellars of Lev Galitsyn's estate, get acquainted with the technology of sparkling wine production and taste the best varieties of the company's products.

Hotel accommodation.

Free time.

You can take a walk in the vicinity of Lake Abrau or visit a restaurant of author's cuisine.

Day 3

The day is dedicated to the garage winemaker. We will learn how to make homemade wines in the Semigorye estate, visit the vineyards and wine cellars of the Vladimir estate

The Semigorye estate is conveniently located on the way from Novorossiysk to Anapa. On the slopes of the surrounding hills are extensive terroirs. Grape varieties such as Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are grown here, from which dry white and red wines are produced, as well as red dessert wines late harvest. The visiting card of the winery is the white Sauvignon Blanc, it has repeatedly won prizes at specialized winemaking exhibitions.

The estate has excellent conditions for wine, eco and gastronomic tourism. There is a tasting room, a restaurant, a small number of rooms, wooden gazebos for relaxation. The estate specializes in garage winemaking.

Vladimirskaya Estate is a small picturesque estate in the foothills of the Main Caucasian Range not far from the Anapa resort.

The main accord of our program is a magnificent tasting room and a cellar with oak barrels, where the best samples of noble drinks from the "Vladimirskaya” estate are collected here. The company specializes in dessert wines, here you can taste the classic Chardonnay and the magnificent Cahors.

Day 4

Where did winemaking come from in the Kuban? An excursion to the ancient museum-reserve Gorgippia will reveal all the secrets of the way along which the vine got to the Kuban lowland.


Today is a day dedicated to organic winemaking. We go to the Karakezidi wine-making house - the brightest diamond in our collection, one of the most unusual objects on the wine-making map of the Krasnodar Territory. Here wine and music are intertwined.

Winemaker Janis Karakezidi is an outstanding creative person, everything in his house is subordinated to the sounds of "Stretto”, this is the name of a divine drink that can be tasted by a hospitable host. Environmental friendliness, meticulous approach to blending, long-term aging put this wine on a par with the elite varieties of the best foreign producers.


The building of the winery is made in compliance with environmental standards, the berry descends from tier to tier under the influence of gravity. Natural fertilizers, lack of hard filtration make the drink great.

Day 5

We leave the city of Anapa in order to continue our acquaintance with the pearls of the Kuban winemaking. Near the seashore in the villages of Vitesevo (Bolshaya Anapa), the estate of the Old Greek (Honest Wine) is waiting for us. Everything here breathes with the goodness and zeal of the owner. An enthusiastic guide will acquaint you with the road that a small wine enterprise has gone through in its development - from a home hobby to a brand that is not ashamed to say - "Honest Wine".

In the tasting room you will be drunk with amber nectar - the drink of the gods, no one will leave this spiritual institution without souvenirs.

This day is dedicated to industrial winemaking. At one of the oldest large wineries in the Krasnodar Territory - the Phanagoria agro-industrial complex.

You will visit the workshop for the production of cognac spirits, visit a professional tasting and cooperage production.

Our excursion will end quite late, after dark we will take you to Anapa airport. You can go home, or you can continue your journey and take a voyage to other attractions of the Krasnodar Territory. For example, visit the Kuban cider farm or Branch No. 1 of MPBK Ochakovo in the city of Krasnodar.

Tour cost per person in dollars: from $ 630

Included in the price:

  • hotel accommodation
  •  rooms with conveniences
  •  transfers according to the tour program
  •  two meals a day on routes and excursions (meals on the day of arrival - lunch; on the day of departure - breakfast; on the other days of the program - breakfast, lunch)
  •  admission fees to display objects
  • guide services
  • accident insurance

Not included in the price:

  • dinners
  • transfers outside the program
  •  resort tax, etc.

The cost may vary depending on the date of arrival and number of people.

You can write your wishes.
Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920
Site:      E-mail:
Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
