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Travel to Russia - it's better than you think!
Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
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Photos in the program description are taken from the Internet from open sources.
You can write your wishes.
Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920

"Great Military Adventure"

This military adventure tour is organized by us with help of the former Russian Army special service experts. They can train you to survive in woods, how to adapt to the forest and many other things.
Price: $ 1500
Feature tour:
(Wood survival, hand-to-hand combat training, capture of military base)
  • A self-sufficient businessman who has got tired of meetings and negotiations...
  • A top manager who wishes to be an army General ruling his "army;" wishing to check up group morale...
  • A shy and quiet person and wish to improve your self-confidence and try new experiences...
  • A person who wishes to enrich the blood with adrenaline, new impressions and emotions...
  • A person who considers himself as a cool ranger or hunter, and wishes to prove himself in reality…
  • A fragile, but self-confident woman, wishing to keep in step with men...

Then this Military Adventure Tour is for you!!!

You will:

  • Spend time in the forest (not far from Moscow) because it is good for your health;
  • Will be taxed in energy and strategic thought to overcome difficulties;
  • Build a team and create teamwork, which will enable the handling of any future stressful situation.

It doesn't matter if you are male, female, young or even older, this tour could give you knowledge, and skills which might well be useful to you in your future life.

You can enjoy nature in the wild; listen to the twittering of forest birds and have a break from city life.

Day 1.
Arrival in Russia. Meeeting with official rep. of Country of Tourism, ltd.
Sightseeing tour of Moscow  in the language you speak.
Tranfer to studing centre of special mission units called ¨Anti Terrorist¨ that is situated in 25 km from Moscow.
There you will get to know the infrastucture of the Centre of training of anti'terrorist units. You will discuss the details of the Big military tour.
After that you will be transported to the Sport and Hunting camp for VIPguests. (it is situated in 10 km from the anti terrorist centre) or we can accommodate you directly at the base where you will have military tour.
You will check in comfortable houses on the Sport and Hunting campwith shooting facilities or at the place where the tour will take place. (it depends only on your wishes).
Then you will observe the territory of the base "Anti Terrorist".
After that you will have free time.

Day 2 (training at daytime).
Breakfast at the base "Anti Terrorist".
Departure to the training place (10 km).
There you will see the video of preparation of special mission units. Then you will be briefed on the aims and ways of acting of special mission units in Russia.
You will have shooting training. You will learn about the main types of weapon that are used by special mission units in Russia. You will be briefed how to use it and then you will be able to practice shooting.
Strategy briefing. Here military specialists will tell you about possible variants of camping, hiding of the camps, how to use special equipment (place for sleeping, food making, washing and hunting)
Then you will practice how to put a camp and masking it under control of professional instructors. Theoretical briefing of the security system of the military camp.
You will also be told how to survive in the forest in case of force-majeure. You will also practice everything.
You will practice at the special zone of obstacles that in considered to be unique by its elements and that is essential in special mission unit training.
Every participant will have teaching on special hand-to-hand battle that is necessary for military action and self defense.
Dinner. Free time.
You can sleep in the following places:
at the base "Anti Terrorist";
in special equipped camps (2-3 km from the studying centre);
In the camps of studying centre.
You can choose any of these places on arrival and after observing the who base.

Day 3 (training at daytime).
Physical training.
Then you will learn how to work with firearm and traumatic arm by special methods of "Anti Terrorist" centre specialists. Every participant will try how to act as a body guard and as an enemy. Then you will practice how to behave in different situation by practicing imaginary events.
You will also practice how to shoot different types of weapon like pistol, carbine and riffle, etc.
Special practicing on how to move in the forest without being noticed. You will move with all the group in special order. You will also have different barriers of different difficulty.
Following the tour you will learn how to behave in the mountains and learn about mountain equipment. You will also learn how to escape from the fire.
You will have practical course on the stripe of obstacles by special elements and the whole elements. We will also check the speed and time of doing these exercises.
Practical courses of self defense with weapon and without it by special made methods of our instuctors.
Free time and sleeping.

Day 4 (training at daytime).
Morning physical training.
Practical training with using special outfits, equipment and strike ball weapon.
Modelling of different situation with the supervision of professional specialists:
Hijacking of terrorists of the bus on the territory of the base.
Rescuing of the hostages.
Moving in the forest together with the group in the assistance of the specialists in order to find the enemy´s objects and defence in order of attack;
Practising how to capture the enemy in the forest;
Constryction of ambush;
You will have free time and then will prepare for going out with the group of special mission units in order to put a camp in the field. Preparation of special equipment and the possibility of battle with the group of enemies (the part of the enemies will be played by special mission units). Briefing on the ways of behavior during the night.
Then you will be briefed on tactics strategy. Studying of the place during the moving together with specialists of special mission units. Practicing on the actions undertaken in case of facing the enemy during the night time and how to defense.

Day 5 (night practicing).
Changing into special outfit and and going out with the special mission units and the specialists of "Anti terrorist". Moving by special root together with the whole group. Crossing the special water barriers, crossing the special barriers in the forest and putting the camp with special equipment. You will be defencing you camp when enemy attacks you.
After that you will have rest and time to sleep.
You will have the final competition between the participants of the program of special mission training units of "Anti Terrorist" (crossing the special barriers, shooting, crossing the stripe of obstackles, man-to-man battle).
After that we will sum up everything and tell who is the winner. After that we will give the special award for the winner and memorable souvenirs for every participant.
Transportation to she VIP sport and hunting club. (10 km).
Checking-in and free time.
After dinner you will have the chance to visit the Russian traditional bath.

Day 6.
Departure to the airport.

Note- It is possible to have additional options like fishing, plate shooting and others.

All participants of the tour should have with them:
  • Two complects of military uniform for the field;
  • Two types of stort clothes and shoes for person;
  • Some things for head;
  • Medical suppliers for any case;
  • Personal hygiene means (tooth paste, tooth brush,things for bath , towels);
  • Slippers.

In case it is necessary for you we can provide for you above mentioned thing as additional options.
We can also modify the military tour depending on your wishes. we can add some tour options or exclude. Please, inform us of your needs.

The most important for us is that your trip to Russia and your Big Military Trip will stay in your memory forever and that you would have only positive impressions on this.

 Estimated cost of the tour  - 1/2 DBL - 1500
More precise information from the managers of travel agencies .
Note – the price is on  request . It depends on the following issues:
  • the tour inclusions;
  • Tour dates;
  • Quantity of people participating;
  • Additional equipment.

Why this tour is unique?
1. The possibility to train at the one of the best training centres for special mission units.
This place cannot be attended even by average Russians. It is necessary to be the representative of special forces of Russian Federation or it is necessary to have special check of security forces to be able to enter this centre.
Due to our connections we were able to make the security check easier and shorter. Now you can be one of the few persons who has this unique chance to enter this training centre "Anti terrorist".
2. Attending this Big Military trip on the base of "Anti Terrorist" centre will give you the chance to try the unique methods of training and gain unique knowledge. Moreover, the training will be carried out by professional special mission units.
3. It is dynamical tour that has its plot and it was specially prepared by mission unit training specialists.
You will not only learn about training of special mission units in Russia but also practice every single element.
4. The training centre is equipped by special training places that allow to learn a lot in the shortest period of time.
5. The "Anti Terrorist" centre advantage is that it is situated only in 25 km from Moscow. It will take few time to get there.
Thus you will have more time for individual training at the base provided by specialists of special mission units. It will also give you the possibility to have more time to sightseeing tours.

Before the tour you will have the chance to add something to the tour at the day of your arrival at the "Anti Terrorist" centre. All your wishes will be taken into consideration.

We are collecting groups for our unique Military Tours
You can write your wishes.
Our phones: +79818204680    +7 (812) 920-4-920
Site:      E-mail:
Travel company "ITS-Tour"
Russia, St-Petersburg,
